There are numerous school trips and events organised which align with the curriculum in each year group. The children enjoy the experience of travelling on a coach with their year group and learning something outside of the school grounds. We often invite parents/guardians to volunteer as helpers.
We also organise visits to the school by theatre groups, historical drama groups, musicians and authors.
Please find below a list of some of the regular trips/visits that are organised:
RECEPTION – Stockwood Discovery Centre / Gulliver’s Land
YEAR 1 – Affinity Water Education Centre / Paradise Wildlife Park
YEAR 2 – Natural History Museum, Tring /Visiting Author / Windsor Castle
YEAR 3 – St Albans Abbey / Roald Dahl Museum / Viking Day
YEAR 4 – Rye Meads Nature Reserve / Knebworth House / Tudor Day / Residential Trip (1 night) ‘Wildchild’
YEAR 5 – Residential Trip to Burwell, Cambridgeshire (2 nights) / Mill Green Museum

Herts Young Mariners Centre, Cheshunt / ‘Dance Back In Time’ (Victorian Day)
YEAR 6 – RAF Museum, Hendon / Visit by local Magistrates / Residential Trip – France (6 days)