“We saw stimulating activities with enthusiastic children eagerly participating in learning. The interactions between adults and children are delightful”
Ofsted 2019
We offer a broad and interesting curriculum in Year 5 which takes account of the differing needs of our pupils. All pupils study Science, Geography, History, Music and Computing. In Mathematics, we cover long division, factors and multiples, revision of the four rules of numbers, time, fractions, data handling, problem solving and symmetry. In English, the pupils receive a strong grammatical grounding in parts of speech. They are also taught dictation, how to use dictionaries well, proof read and extend their vocabulary. They will encounter a large range of poems, stories, play scripts and non-fiction recounts by a variety of authors.
In Year 6, we prepare the pupils for transfer to Senior School, so we cover all topics in Mathematics and English which relate to Senior School Examinations. In Mathematics, our pupils learn to be numerically accurate, competent in all concepts and procedures taught, neat in presentation and able to include all calculations, statements and labelling of units. In English, pupils write one composition and one comprehension a week, alongside a lesson in Grammar. We encourage our pupils to read at least two books a fortnight. Once the senior school examinations have been taken, our pupils are encouraged to deepen their knowledge with project work and presentations. Alongside the core subjects, pupils also study Science, History, Geography, Music, Latin and Computing.