A Message to all past pupils and parents of Radlett Preparatory School
It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Mrs Doreen Smith, former Principal of Radlett Preparatory, passed away peacefully on 27th December at the age of 95, surrounded by her family.
Here are some thoughts from Simon Rundle, former Headmaster, who knew her well:
Doreen Smith was truly a remarkable person without whom Radlett Preparatory School would not exist. With her husband, Derrick, she rescued Radlett when it was destined for closure in the early 1970’s. Under her guidance the school grew in size and reputation, and whilst being, of necessity, a strong leader with a definite vision for the school, she took pride in nurturing a real sense of caring for everyone within the Radlett Prep. family.
Having outgrown the site on Hillside Road, Radlett, the school moved lock, stock and barrel to Kendal Hall in 1980, and continued to expand and develop.
After her retirement she continued to maintain an interest in the school, and she possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of her ex-pupils.
It speaks volumes for Doreen’s enthusiasm, dedication and drive that she impacted positively on the lives of so many children, families and teachers. She was a true educator who understood the importance of the individual and the value of self-belief.
She will be greatly missed.
Mr and Mrs Wayne Warren
Radlett Preparatory School