Each year, Earth Day is celebrated on the 22nd April. It is an annual, worldwide event, dedicated to raising awareness of the various environmental challenges that our planet faces. The very first Earth Day was established in 1970 and now over 193 countries participate in this significant global event. The theme for 2021 was ‘Restore Our Earth’.
To mark the event this year the whole school took part in various ‘Earth Day’ activities.
The day began with an interactive Lower School assembly, led by Miss McAteer, and Middle/Upper School assembly, led by Miss Chaney, to introduce the children to the concept of the day, raise awareness of some of the current global issues and learn what we can all do to help to restore our earth.
The afternoon was dedicated to everyone being outside. The children took part in various cross curricular activities, utilising our wonderful school grounds, and reconnecting with nature. Some examples of the activities carried out by year groups were: creating an art piece in the style of Andy Goldsworthy, making bird feeders, going on a colour matching nature walk, building bug hotels, going on a litter pick, water painting a landscape, making a collage with natural materials/bark rubbings and participating in a nature scavenger hunt.
We also participated in a ‘no waste lunch’ for the day. The challenge was to try and bring the day’s lunch in as many reusable containers/packaging as possible, with nothing wasted or thrown away.
It was a wonderful day and everyone finished the day with more awareness of how protect and restore our earth!