Radlett Prep has continued to be open for Key Worker’s children whilst also setting work each day for all children unable to attend. We have missed having a school full of children, it has been so quiet!
On 2nd June 2020 we opened our doors once again for all Key Worker children and also our Reception children. It was lovely to have them back. Mr Pipe did his first assembly not only as our new Principal but our first streamed assembly.
All the measures that have been put in place are working well with all the children adhering to all the new routines. Thankfully the weather has continued to be kind so lunches and some lessons have been able to take place under the shade of the trees. The most important thing is that the children, when asked, have all answered that they are happy to be back at school.
On Wednesday, 3rd June our Year 1 children and our Year 6 children returned. It was great to finally have the noise of children chattering and to see them smiling when they saw each other. We are looking forward to more children attending next week.